when you laugh now, will it last forever? or if u cry now, will you forever cry? i kinda like this quote...
even tough it's not as famous as other quote [since i'm the one who creates it by myself]...i'm not a philosopher who's my job is to produce such an amazing, beautiful and touching quotes...
i just love to say something and finally make it my own-created quotes, which the idea of creating it comes from my point of view...towards something that had happen, currently happen and might be happen...
after such a long time thinking about this, i've come into a conclusion that people who are laugh loud first will ended up crying hard, while in the other end, people who cry hard first will end up with a laugh loud. Whether you agree or not...it depends...think again...
konklusi : don't be too obsessed and happy for what you have now, coz u'll never know how would it ended up...if you're having a hard time now, accept it as what is meant for you, coz there will be a time where you will laugh loud like others.
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