when was mother's day actually being celebrate? is it on 8th of May or is it on 9th of May? well, i don't care that...and i don't need to know that..it's not that i'm not concern on so called special-day for someone called mom...but it's just that my way of interpreting mothers's day and how i value my mom is much-much more than what mother's day is. for me, everyday is like a mother's day...coz i never stop thinking about my mom, whatever single things i'm doing or have done, my mom will always be at the top of the list. she'e just the greatest woman i've ever met in my life. she has taken care of me, since i was not even exist in this world. and until now, at the age of 20, she never stop taking care of me...how would i find any other woman besides her that willing to do this to me? i guess, she the one and only. i wonder if she was never exist, would i exist too? it's just a simple question with simple answer. a man never exist without a woman called mother! so, never stop loving your mom, value her, appreciate her more than you ever appreciate other things, coz without her, we are nothing. and that's the reason why i felt like everyday is mothers day! to my mom mdm. ngabes daneu, i love u so much....more than what i can say, and what i can do...may God bless you always, forever you are my greatest!
in memories...my graduation day during my form 5...[in red in my mom]
konklusi : i love my mom, more than everything!
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